Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gutes Tun

So, I saw the Musical Wicked this past Saturday in Virginia Beach. It was an amazing show. I still like Spring Awakening better, BUT Wicked is most likely my second. It was just spectacular. It was so nice to see a professional cast again. I bought the sound track while I was there, a great choice. The deluxe sound track, one of my best choices ever. it came with a special CD that has 2 songs from the German cast and 2 from the Japanese cast, as well as a few other things. The German Elphaba may be the best thing that I have ever heard in my entire life. She gives me chills. I also informed Jacquelynn that while I adore her a GREAT deal, I have found my love in Idina Menzel (original Broadway actress) and must chase after her, no matter the age difference or anything else. It'll work. I am currently addicted to that soundtrack.

Also, quick side note before I move on to what i am currently doing. I am extremely happy at the moment. Just generally, I have this feeling in my chest that is just awesome. And I'm smiling most of the time. It's so nice. I'm enjoying life. Mostly thanks to one person, Jacquelynn. It's been awhile since I have felt this happy.

Okay, so, I just finished my first Warhammer 40k tutorial game. It was quite fun. If I had infinite time and money, it would be something that I would enjoy doing I feel. But I don't. So, I will just bum my games of Sam and enjoy it in small settings. Hopefully soon I will enjoy a full game! That is all for now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure Idina can't have you <3 kthx
