Monday, April 2, 2012

Work Blog

The last time I blogged in this office a lot of drama happened. I don't think it will happen again as the main starter of that drama is no longer talking to me. In fact, she has cut off all ties to me. Blocked me of Facebook, refuses to answer texts, stopped following me on sites she used to be. Everything. It's a little overkill if you ask me. I was a little flustered about it at first, but now that all is said and done, I'm pretty okay with it. She had a problem with Jacquelynn, and I probably never would have been okay with that. Plus, even though I'll miss her, I won't miss this drama. And who knows, maybe after we both cool off a little bit, we can reassess the situation and see where we stand.

I sent off Jacquelynn's present today. I'm very excited for her to get it and hear what she thinks. I am pretty sure she is going to love it. Jax's friend June, is agreement that she will enjoy the gift. I hope it makes it their without harm! It is in a soft package, the post office worker suggested it. I have no idea how long it should take to get there...According to the usps website, who has an AWESOME mobile site, it should arrive on the 5th. Which I think is when Ms. Glass is heading home, so it should be waiting there for her beautiful self.

Um, I feel I should have something else to talk about. I haven't really sat down and played a video game in awhile. Well, that isn't exactly true. I played the week after spring break. Because that was a pretty chill week. Plus it helped me deal with some crazy women. Speaking of which I would just like to say that I am very happy that I kept my cool for the most part and didn't fall back on the huge jerk I was a little while ago with my anger.

So Jax just suggest that I blog about what her gift is. She apparently doesn't want to wait for what it is. Very well, I got you a hot pink jacket with a matching bracelet. I know that usually pink isn't your color, but I figured you could make an exception. Okay, so that isn't what I got her. It's actually a I can't think of anything ridiculous that isn't INSANE. That is sad. Anyway, at least a hint. What I got you is not pink. Nor is it orange. And you'll love it.

Alright, now I am done because I am at a loss for what to say next.

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