Saturday, February 25, 2012


I have just graduated to becoming a full Facebook stalker. I am not proud of it. And will hopefully never do it again. BUT my mother just informed me that my brother was out on a date with a girl named Stephanie whom (i think) he had met at the school and hung out at our church Cafe. That is all I had to go on. I started my search SO SURE I was going to find this girl. After a few false leads and points wall searching. I came up empty handed. However it was not this lack of success that made me stop. NO, it was what I did discover. I found a Stephanie that my friend's younger brother was dating. It gave me pause, this Cameron could not be the same guy, I told myself. However, after clicking on his name I knew it was him. It was grown up Cam. And grown up Cam looks a lot like my friend. It was one of the weirdest discoveries of my life. I am still not 100% over it...

In other news. Work today was a mixture of easy as pie and super busy. David and I managed to do a decent amount of set up and take down of the rooms no longer being used and soon to be on Monday. I feel like a real manager as I had the keys and I was making the big decisions on what to do. The event we were working, however, was not the best organized. They switched the Middle School and High School bands locations today. We were constantly telling people that they were in the wrong place and where we THOUGHT they should go. We really didn't have much of a clue because no one told us. We pieced it together from half conversations. Then I gave the interior door keys to the next shift and I was done for the day. That was the best part. Not staying until the end. Best. Ever. I rarely am not there for the end of an even I am working.

I am currently helping Jackie write an Essay for her Western Heritage class. I really hope that I can be a great help to her. She has had such a stressful week. Anything I can do to lighten the load for her. Hopefully we are going to watch a movie tonight. No idea what movie, but I will enjoy it no matter what. For one it will be with her, and I just enjoy movies anyway. In case anyone was curious, Jackie is examining the use of imagination in Dante's Inferno to the views of Montaigne on imagination. She is proposing that while Montaigne is suggesting that imagination is a powerful thing that can actually bring about things, Dante has a line which must be crossed.

Also, Megan wrote a blog post today. I still don't know exactly what I think about it. I have mixed emotions. I am glad to see that she is doing well at least. I hope that continues.

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