I'm back in the library again. This time with Jay, my accounting counterpart. We wanted to do some studying for our exam in CIS 2050 tomorrow. I don't feel as if we really studied at all. We went through most of the study guide. The problem is that the study guide is pretty terrible. It is a straight copy of multiple choice questions with the answers take out. So many question are impossible to answer. Such as, "Which of the following is not true?". What? How would I use that to study. It gives me absolutely nothing to go on. There are some that at least give me something, asking which are not aspects of information systems. Still terrible, but at least something.
But I have a good amount of time tomorrow to study, and I don't really feel motivated today, so it is no problem. Jay has decided to call in his meal that I owe him. The cheap bastard. He doesn't recall the time that I bought Jimmy John's for everyone last semester. It's not actually a big deal, he is just shoulder surfing and compromising my security as I type. I should know better, we were just "studying" about that very thing. He has gotten me plenty of times before, though i have paid most of them back. It's all good. Things even out between friends eventually.
Uhhhh, yeah. I just want to give a nod of approval to an amazing podcast that i have quickly become addicted to. "We're Alive" is an amazing radio drama about a zombie apocalypse, the first few chapters are a little slow, but once it picks, it doesn't slow down. Fantastic. I apologize to everyone who I told that I liked it before I really became hooked. I just didn't understand.
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