So I told someone very special to me that I would blog today, so here goes. I suppose I do have something I would like to talk about.
Thing one, reading. I have started reading again. Well, not really. I mean, i would have if I could have found the book I was looking for these past few days. I have tried to buy The Fault in Our Stars for about three days at 3 different places in Boone and even checked our library. My efforts were fruitless, so I have ordered the book and expect that it shall arrive within the week. However, I am sort of reading. Or rather being read to. Me and Jackie decided to read a few books together, and since I wasn't able to get my hands on the book, and we both really wanted to start, she read to me last night. It has been the longest time since anyone has read anything to me. It was very nice, I hope to return the favor soon. Though it is going to take a few days. Jackie did a wonderful job as well. Also on our reading list: A Clockwork Orange (that one will be tough, it's dense...), Room, and The Hunger Games
Also, for all the people who told me how awesome John Green is, you are correct. This book is the first of his I have ever read and I am enjoying it quite a bit.
In other news (thing two), Megan and I are talking again which is nice. It's good to be past all the drama. I don't like drama that much. Which is weird, because I like to know. Everything. They contradict. Silly Sean. Anyway, yeah, Mego texted me the other day and we have been better ever since. She is going to NY soonish, and to a Doctor Who themed bar. I'm jealous. I love Doctor Who a great deal.
Thing three. Me and Jackie talked a little bit about the future today and the idea of being a parent and how crazy it is. First of all, creating life is a bit crazy. Just, a tiny human growing inside of someone. Madness. Going further on that train however is the idea of raising a child. I have NO experience with that (obviously) and yet I am responsible for this chiles well being and how they are raised. Super scary. Then we started wondering what type of parents we would be. I would honestly like to think I would be a good parent. But I really have no idea. I am positive that Jackie would make a good mother however. I feel she is more patient than she knows. And very full of life and awesomeness. Yeah, I didn't get to respond to her earlier when we were talking. She had to go be awesome at an RA interview. So yeah.
I heard from Matt today. I miss him so much. School and work have kept me so busy it is hard to find time to go home. Hopefully we will have a Skype date soon!
Alright. Closing up here. Supernatural is an awesome show. I am liking it more and more. Also, I am watching Arrested Development again, which is also very good. I am determined to beat The Binding of Isaac soon. And I need to find a Scarf, a Button-up Shirt with stripes, and a Vest.
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