Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Alright! I am finally moved into my apartment. I was so worried about the process but it was the easiest move in i have ever had. The room is all set up already and everything is nicely put into place. I may take some pictures of it, but those will be here tomorrow by the earliest. My roommates are pretty awesome (which i already knew), they helped me move all my stuff up the stairs making it even easier! Also, my vegetarian friend made some delicious pasta with a very tasty sauce. It's strange, but all four of us still haven't been in the apartment at the same time. And I don't think we will for a good while with the way people keep leaving!

I still haven't talked to my sdbf, it is the dumbest thing in the world that we can't find a little amount of time to just talk. It'll happen eventually, but it is annoying me to no end. That's all i have to say here.

So i am in love with my new Rubic's cube. I did a solve for the first time today paying attention on the time and it was somewhere around five min. That really isn't that bad. I'm having some problems taking it apart though, which would help me in my solve times, though the lack of cutting corners is what is killing me. I asked my cubing friend and he gave me some advice on taking it apart so hopefully I'll be able to get that done. He also put a ton of pressure on me by saying that he thinks I will be a decent cuber. PROOF! Near the end. I really would like to though. It's really easy for me to just do casually though as I love to fidget anyway, so I am hoping for awesomeness.

I need to head out though. There are guests here and I am being rude by doing this real quickly.

1 comment:

  1. No pressure! For real. You're just the kind of person that would be good at it. I mean, I told my brother that you already had a 5 minute solve, and he agreed that that was really impressive, considering how few days it's been.
    We should cubeskype tonight
