My eye has been twitching a lot today. Since around 6. It is annoying me to no end. Work was nice today. I spent the entire time vacuuming, I wish I could get Laundry every once in awhile. Anyway I am super tired.
So I forgot to mention something from my MLG trip. I had Lunch with my friend Mego! (she needs to update her blog) It was pretty awesome! I don't get to see her that often so it is always good to see her. It was totally worth missing Tyler signing at the Stride booth. You are that cool Mego. She did try to hand me a letter though instead of mailing it. Silly girl. I WANT MAIL!!!
On a plus note, I have been talking to Jackie a lot more lately. It's been nice. She is going off to college soon. it's nice to see someone excited about orientation.
I can't wait until this weekend, I have nothing to do, it is going to be so relaxing. I need to write a longer post tomorrow...
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